Integrating Technology for Enhanced Educational Management Practices

Discover how to leverage technology to streamline management processes and improve educational outcomes. Learn about the latest tools and platforms for data management, communication, and resource allocation that can transform the administrative landscape of education.


Course Information

Course Overview:

  • Duration: 2 – 3 Hours or Self Paced
  • Publisher: LearnHUB, Powered by Regent Business School
  • Certification: A Certificate of Completion will be issued to all candidates who successfully complete the requirements of the programme.
Learning Outcomes:
By completing this course, you will be able to:


  • Understand the Role of Technology in an educational management context.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of using educational management software and tools.
  • Analyse Data for Decision Making.
  • Implement E-Learning Solutions to enhance instructional delivery.
  • Embrace technological change and promote Technology-Enhanced Learning.
  • Assess the effectiveness of Technology utilisation.
  • Identify emerging trends in educational technology.


Certificate of Completion

At LearnHUB, we believe in recognising your achievements every step of the way

That’s why we offer certificates for every course you successfully complete, all included in your purchase

Admission and user requirements

  • There are NO admission requirements
  • Own laptop or PC or tablet/mobile
  • Own internet connection required
  • Approximately 1-2 GB of data

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